Friday, June 10, 2011

Currently Eating...

Zapp's Voodoo potato chips "Original Cajun Kettle Recipe"

Think: sour cream and onion x .5barbeque x 2lemon x witch's brew melt-your-lips = voodoo flavored

The "limited edition" story on the back tells me that some moron dropped five loads of spices on the floor then some other idiot stuck his dirty fingers in it, licked 'em and declared the spice mix voodoolicious! Clearly a marketing team of 100 spent a couple years perfecting this sour creamy oniony bbq-y lemony monster. Furthermore, this "limited" edition has been on the shelves for over a year. Great pitch.

Anyways, I'm eating the darn things even though I'm not too fond of chips in general. They're leftovers from the floating/impromptu camping trip a couple weeks ago and there's not much else on the shelves since Chainsaw and I are leaving in a few days for Michigan.

PS: In this picture the chips are voodoo welding to my lips. It burns!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Brats, Sunny Skies and Swimming

As I try to foster ideas on a theme and create some kind of schedule, I'm going to try a Love/Hate Sunday blog. The topic may be a love-love (pinatas!), hate-hate (bad grammar!), love-hate (whiskey?) or off-the-wall shit like phone receivers or miso paste.

Today I kinda hate kids. More appropriately I kinda hate their irresponsible (or invisible) parents. A child should be taught to be polite, respectful and have good manners. When an adult addresses a child, s/he should stop, listen and respond. Don't interrupt. Don't be a brat. Furthermore, parents should lead by example and I see a lot of rude obnoxious adults raising the next generation of the like.

Today I love the weather. The forecast for NOLA this week is: Mon-92 Tue-91 Wed-92 Thu-92 Fri-91 Sat-93 Sun-92. Suck it, Michigan.

Today I love/hate swimming. Bullshit, I love/love it. I started up a summer membership at Tulane and it's off the chain. I always get a whole lane to myself. I'm already swimming sets of 20 laps with ease feeling like a bad ass. I have visions of flat tummy and toned arms dancing in my head. The post-workout sauna knocks my socks off. Only thing is I'm damn tired this week. I'll get over it, off the the pool!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Currently Reading

I'm usually not big on celebrity authorship, excluding Jon Stewart's America and Steven Colbert's I Am America (and So Can You!) I find celebrity authorship akin to Gwenyth Paltrow coming out with a new single or 50 Cent starring in a movie. Just because you're famous at one thing doesn't mean you are qualified to find fame in any old media medium. Take some advice from that famous basketball player who tried his hand at baseball (it's Michael Jordan. Thank you google.)

However, being the Tina Fey fan that I am (Yeah, 30 Rock!) I picked up Tina Fey's current NYTimes Hardcover Nonfiction bestseller Bossypants. I could not put it down - I read the first 150 pages in the first sitting. The book is laugh-out-loud funny - literally. She touches on so many feminist issues near and dear to my heart - body image ideals, women in business inequalities, gay rights - and all in hilarious and clever ways, while still conveying the seriousness of the issues.

It's worth every penny for the hardcover and Barnes and Noble is selling it for 30% off right now. I don't think it's something I'll ever re-read entirely, but I've already picked it up to re-read certain sections and laugh all over again.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Herb Garden

So much for a post a day! I think four posts per week is a smart goal. I wrote a post about the reasons I avoid Bourbon Street but didn't save it correctly so more on that later.

There's a mini herb garden on my balcony! To the naysayer who tried to tell me our balcony is not an ideal spot for growing, I say ha! All the plants are growing and not dead so it's coming along great! I have sweet basil, flat Italian parsley, Greek oregano and rosemary. Yesterday, I plucked some oregano to compliment a salad and it was awesome. I felt like a real Suzie Homemaker.

I have visions of having a huge backyard garden some day with a couple of big dogs and a chicken coop. When future-me is all decked out in a sweet gardening hat and gloves with soil on my knees and cheeks (why is there dirt on my cheeks? Who knows, but I will clearly have dirty cheeks) I will look back fondly to my humble beginnings with a planter and a cup of water on my New Orleans balcony.

xoxox, my green thumb.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Back on Track!

I started this blog one year ago and never committed myself to it. About 6 months ago I tried to get into tumblr but I just don't dig it. So, I'm picking back up and will write daily entries and trust that a theme will emerge after a period of time. I plan on blogging about what's going on in my life in New Orleans: work, school, play, fun, friends, challenges, aspirations, endeavors, experiences, tips. Book and author reviews, craft projects and progress, and recipes will be covered as well. Pictures will be included in (almost) every post and I'll post a video blog weekly. The goal is to practice writing, keep a diary-like record of what's going on in my 27th year and keep in touch with my friends and family.

Here we go!