Zapp's Voodoo potato chips "Original Cajun Kettle Recipe"
Think: sour cream and onion x .5barbeque x 2lemon x witch's brew melt-your-lips = voodoo flavored
The "limited edition" story on the back tells me that some moron dropped five loads of spices on the floor then some other idiot stuck his dirty fingers in it, licked 'em and declared the spice mix voodoolicious! Clearly a marketing team of 100 spent a couple years perfecting this sour creamy oniony bbq-y lemony monster. Furthermore, this "limited" edition has been on the shelves for over a year. Great pitch.
Anyways, I'm eating the darn things even though I'm not too fond of chips in general. They're leftovers from the floating/impromptu camping trip a couple weeks ago and there's not much else on the shelves since Chainsaw and I are leaving in a few days for Michigan.
PS: In this picture the chips are voodoo welding to my lips. It burns!